Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pink is HIS favorite color!

Henry is suddenly obsessed with the color pink. He has pink tractors, hammers, screw drivers...the list goes on and on. I guess I should be happy that he is still talking about boyish things. I think he's doing it to drive daddy nuts!

In other news, Ben is a walking boy. He spends most of his time walking and a lot less of it crawling. He's starting to really get into playing, although it's still a lot of pulling out putting back of toys and that sort of thing. My boys are growing so big!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


My baby boys are sick. Fevers, coughs, yuck. One more week and they'll be in daycare, so I'm sure we'll have more illnesses in the coming months.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A few months ago, I decided to start this blog. As you can see, I haven't had a chance to really write in it until now. Maybe because I'm busy with my boys, and maybe because I'm just lazy. Anyway, I want to use this blog to share about my boys, so I'll give you a quick recap of the past two and a half years...

Henry was born February 27th, 2006, and is now almost 2 1/2. He's talking a mile a minute, loves to say no and not listen, and loves trucks, buses, "bustruction", and tractors. He just got moved to a big boy bed in his room, and he's been wearing big boy underwear for the past few weeks. Henry has been going through a frustrating phase...he pinches, hits, pokes, takes things away from other kids, etc., especially his friend Max. Funny thing is, every night when we pray, he always thanks Jesus for Max. Hopefully we can get through this stage and soon. He wants to get his way all the time, and tonight, when Josh asked him to stop listening to his heart (through Josh's side) Henry shouted in a crazy deep voice, "I'm a doctor!!!"

Benjamin was born October 5th, 2007. He's now almost 9 months old and crawling around after his brother. In the past week, he has started standing on his own, although we're not sure he knows what is going on. He says dada and mama, claps, and waves. He's not been a big fan of anything other than breast milk, but he is starting to enjoy table foods (I guess we'll just skip the baby stuff). He sometimes screams if we don't give him something we're eating. He loves his brother, bath time, and trying to climb.

Josh just got a coaching position at Greenville High School and just finished up a summer class. I've been teaching summer school and will be done tomorrow. I'm teaching in an autistic classroom (see my other blog), and I'll be going back to work full time at the end of July. I'll have about two weeks to get my room ready and I have lots to do. The boys will be going to daycare which I think will actually be really good for them both. My mom has been watching them the past four weeks, which has been nice, but I think Henry really needs to be around kids more. I just hope he doesn't act up while he's there!